ó  l  α  l  ȸ  l  ̵/йȣã  l  2025.3.14 ()
۾ũ ũ  ۾ũ ۰        罺ũ
: 2011/10/21  ±ǵŹ
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,ȸ α ݿ ؾ Ѵ١ ǰ

±ǵȸ Ӻȸ 繫, 16 .±ǵȸ ̻ ǹ, ±ǵ ȯ 繫 ±ǵ 忡 ô ִ.

±ǵ(TPF, ̻ ̴) 10 20ϰ 21 ϰ 16 ,±ǵȸ ̻ ǹڵ ±ǵȸ 4 ü ̻ ϵ ֿ ġ ±ǵ 忡 û ȸ .

2012 ǥ 簡 â ±ǵ ̻ 湮 2010 ±ǵ ° ̹ 湮 ±ǵ ѷ åڷκ ô ð Բ ƴ.

±ǵ ϵ ֱ õ õ 2,314,000 , ڶ û 5,958() Ը ǰ , ±ǵ ְ TPF ̰ ±ǵ, ±ǵü, ±, ΰ, ±ǵ, , ±ǵðͼ, ǰ, ±ǵ, ѱ , ü ȹ 2012 ǥ 縦 ߿ ִ. 

±ǵ 湮 16 .±ǵȸ ̻ ±ǵ 뿡 Ǹ ϸ Կ ϰ ִ.

̳ TPF ȯ 繫 ±ǵ ±ǵ̴١鼭 ̻Ӹ ƴ϶ ±ǵ λ پϰ û ±ǵ ֵ ȸ ̶ .

±ǵ ѷ ̻ Ưȸ ̳ ǰ پϰ , ±ǵ ϰڴٴ ǻ縦 ϱ⵵ ߴ.

̳ 󳲵±ǵȸ ö ̻ ȫ ġǾ ִ ±ǵ ԲϽ е顯̶ Խǿ ,±ǵȸ ̸ ̷ ȵǰڴٴ ١ ,ȸ ̻ ̻ȸ Ǵ Ưȸ ΰ α ݿ ؾ Ѵٰ Ѵ١ ⵵ ߴ.


< , cooljinwoo0@naver.com, 02)424-2174>


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ǰ ( 2)
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