ó  l  α  l  ȸ  l  ̵/йȣã  l  2025.3.16 ()
۾ũ ũ  ۾ũ ۰        罺ũ
: 2011/10/31  ±ǵŹ
ΰȣ ڻ, ϻ ±ǵڷ
ڸ ±ǵ ô, UCŬ Ȱȭ ֿ

ڸ ΰȣ ڻ簡 ±ǵ ̴ ̻κ и Կ ϰ ִ.

±ǵ(̻ ̴, TPF) 10 24 ߱ ҿο ġ TPF 繫 ̱ ±ǵ ް ȭ 弭 ĵ ڻ(UC Berkeley )κ 42Ⱓ ؿ ±ǵ ڷ(, , ) ް и ߴ.

ĵ ڻ 1963 ̱ , 1969 UC Berkeley ű Ͽ ±ǵ Ǹ , ų UC Berkeley Open Taekwondo Championships ϰm 1972 National Collegiate Taekwonddo Association(̴±ǵȸ) Ἲ, ̱üȸ(American Athletic Union) 1974 United States Olympic Committee(̱øȸ) ±ǵ ԽŰ ū ߴ.

ƿ﷯ 1973 WTF â ⿩Ͽ 1977 ҾƸ޸īȸ ָ Ҿ±ǵ(PanAmerican Taekwondo Union) â, 1982 2005 ±ǵ каȸ Ἲ, ±ǵȸ âϿ. ƿ﷯ ±ǵ International University Sports Federation(н) ϴ ϹþƵȸ äϴ ⿩ߴ. 2002 UC Berkeley (UC Martial Arts Program)' , ±ǵ ġ ϴ 弭 Դ.

ĵ ڻ ±ǵ ȭ θ ޾ 2009 ѹα ηκ 塮 ޾ 2006 Ŭб ӽñ 37Ⱓ ϸ鼭 ±ǵ п αִ ״.

̳ Ŀ ĵ ڻ ±ǵ ֱ ǰ ִ ±ǵ ±ǵ , ȭü ν DZ ٶ ڷ ±ǵ й ڷ Ȱǰ ±ǵ ̷  DZ⸦ ٶ١ .


< , cooljinwoo0@naver.com, 02)424-2174>


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