12ȸ ̱±ǵȸ û . |
̱ ±ǵ 8, 9ܵ ü ̱±ǵȸ(U.S. Taekwondo Grandmasters Society, ȸ ) 4 6Ϻ 8ϱ ػ罺 ġ ưȣ(Double Tree by Hilton Hotel) 15 ȸ 12ȸ ±ǵ ûġ ߴ.
ط 12ֳ 翡 1960 ʹ ̱ ±ǵ ϰ, ̱±ǵȸ(ATA) ͺ ôڻ Ǿ, 1993 ±ǵǴȸ ̱ ǥ ϰ, 77 ̷ ̱ п ڻ ö 忡 ۻ ƴ. ̱ ±ǵ ΰ ū 7 88øȿ ̱ ǥ ȹ , 1Ե ̷.
8 Ḹ Ȱ ̱±ǵȸ(USTU) ȸ ǹǸ ڿ, ӱԺ ȸ, Ȳ, , ι, , ڵ, ȣ, ȣ, ȯ, , ij±ǵȸ ӿ λ縦 , Ưʴ մ ̻ ̱ ѿ USOC(United Church Outreach Coalition) ̱±ǵ ̽ ۰Ž(Keith Ferguson) ȸ 縦 ڵ ູ ߴ.
̱±ǵȸ ų ̱ ±ǵ , , ȫ, پ ڿ , ġ ߿ ڸ û ؿ , 12ȸ ߴ.
12ȸ ̱±ǵȸ
Pioneer Award Grandmaster Haeng Ung Lee(ôڻ )
Outstanding Leadership Award Grandmaster John Jong Choi(Ǹڻ )
Lifetimes Achievement Award Grandmaster Jung Kil Tiger Kim(±ǵλ )
Lifetimes Achievement Award Grandmaster John S. Kim(±ǵλ )
Lifetimes Achievement Award Grandmaster Jung Hoe Ku(±ǵλ ȸ)
Literary Achievement Award Grandmaster Steven S. Shin(±ǵۻ ö)
Ambassador Award Grandmaster Mounir Ghrawi(±ǵ )
Coach of the Year Award Master Sammy Pejo( ġ ̿)
Competitor of the Year Award Master Cheryl Kalanoc( ȸ ī)
Presidents Award Master Allen Walker( ȸ ٷ Ŀ)
< , tkdtimes@paran.com>